International Forum in Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur hosts the UIA International Forum in 2024. The organizer is the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM).
Theme: “Diversecity: Humanity and Sustainable Growth”
To explore how emerging economies and developing cities can achieve humanisation and sustainable growth, based on the following basic themes:
- Culture and heritage: as the identity base of city
- Density & Sustainable Growth: Vision of a future mega-city
- Equity and Ecology: the next frontier of urbanism
Different, from the perception of development than for our region, resulting from the situation of the emerging and developing economy. A very informative experience for the architect and the entire team of the design office. Topics for both professionals and beginners. It can give a different perspective to the perception of urban planning and architecture design work. https://www.uia-architectes.org/en/calendar/malaysia-2024-uia-international-forum/